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APT-National Trust Joint Conference

Lori Ferriss will provide training on applying whole life carbon assessments on heritage and adaptive reuse projects.

The consideration of embodied carbon in tandem with operational carbon is an emerging topic in the retention and conservation of buildings, but do heritage professionals really know how to apply the increasing knowledge on carbon performance to our projects? This full-day workshop aims to take the conversation around embodied carbon beyond the basic introductory concepts, and to look at the total carbon picture so that heritage professionals can position themselves as leaders in climate action.

Grounded in a morning field session, attendees will “up-skill” their carbon fluency through technical training on different types of carbon data, including where to find the data, how it’s measured, and what it means. In-depth case studies will demonstrate practical applications of the principals from the technical training, and a policy scan from diverse authorities will lead into breakout discussions where participants can workshop meaningful ways forward based on their learning of the day.

This training won’t make you an expert overnight, but those who are ready to take the next step in climate action through building conservation will come out of this workshop not only able to talk about the total life carbon of a building, but how to make the case for its conservation.

July 18

Zero Net Carbon Collaboration for Historic and Existing Buildings (ZNCC)